Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic? [Signs YOU Are + Prevention Tips]

October 13, 2022 / Dog Breeds / By: iPupster

A beautiful fluffy brown Pomeranian in the grass

Dogs are great companions but they also take a lot of maintenance to keep them groomed. If you or others in your home suffer from allergies, it makes sense to choose a breed that has less shedding or that is hypoallergenic.

When it comes to Pomeranians, it makes sense to be curious if they are allergy-friendly or hypoallergenic dogs before you choose to adopt one into your family.

Today we will cover everything you need to know about the Pomeranian and their coats so that you can make an informed decision before buying or adopting a new pet.

Pomeranians are allergy-friendly due to the generally small amount of hair they shed. That being said, they are not hypoallergenic dogs by any means. These dogs do not generate dander of any form which is usually what causes an allergic reaction in most people.

If you or someone in your home is allergic to pet dander, Pomeranians are a suitable choice for a new pet.

They don’t shed much but for those with serious allergies, it may be best to choose a hairless animal instead.

If you are still considering adopting or buying a Pomeranian dog, there are some steps you can take to reduce any potential discomfort.

What Is a Hypoallergenic Dog?

Although some breeders or pet owners claim that some dogs are hypoallergenic, none actually exist.

All dogs generate some amount of shedding and or dander that have the potential to trigger an allergic reaction. Pet allergies are actually caused by the dander or saliva of an animal.

The dander is present in the hair that a dog has shed, and of course, their saliva is present just about everywhere they go. When a dog is considered hypoallergenic, it is because they have little to no hair and because they seldom shed. 

Non-shedding dogs naturally produce little to no dander which means they will trigger fewer to no allergy symptoms.

All About the Pomeranian's History

Pomeranians have pointed muzzles that closely resemble that of a wolf. As such, they are considered Spitz or Wolfspitz dogs.

They originated in Germany and Northern Poland but gained popularity by being a favorite of British monarchs. Queen Victoria was highly fond of Pomeranians and is credited with having been responsible for breeding them down to their smaller size.

The breed first became part of the American Kennel Club in 1898. Since their registration, they have remained among the top 25 most popular dog breeds in the United States.

Also Know as a:

Pom, Pom Pom, Zwergspitz, Zwers, Spitz Enano, Spitz Main, Deustche Spitze, Loulou

Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?

Pomeranians are not hypoallergenic, but they are allergy-friendly dogs.

They shed both skin cells and hair so they will produce pet dander, but not nearly as much as other breeds.

The main difference between Pomeranians and other types of dogs is that their dander is lower in quantity due to their minimal shedding.

Think of dander as the same skin cells humans shed when they suffer from dandruff. It is small but can cause an allergic reaction if a person is sensitive to it.

This particular breed is double-coated and also will shed only twice per year.

Are Teacup Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?

Teacup Pomeranians are also not hypoallergenic but are more tolerable for those who have allergies than other breeds. Despite the fluffy exterior of this breed, their double coat will only be shed once or twice each year.

As miniature dogs, Teacup Pomeranians will have even less dander than their full-sized counterparts. If you are sensitive to pet dander, or if you have allergies, Teacup Pomeranians make a great choice as an allergy-friendly dog

With proper maintenance and a few preventative measures, reactions can be minimized or eliminated completely.

5 Signs You May Have A Dog Allergy

A lot of people don’t know they are sensitive to pet dander or that they have a dog allergy until they actually spend time around them.

Some people may have had short encounters with dogs but did not suffer any ill effects only to have a strong reaction after they adopted or purchased a pet. 

There are a few signs that you should be aware of that typically manifest in people who have dog allergies such as:

  • Tightness in the chest, wheezing, or shortness of breath around dogs.
  • Nasal stuffiness, a runny nose, or sneezing in the presence of dogs
  • The development of hives or skin rashes after being in contact with a dog
  • Itchy, red, swollen, or watery
  • Pain in the sinuses or face due to congestion

8 Ways To Reduce Dog Allergies

If you suffer from dog allergies, there are a few things you can do to make living with a Pomeranian more tolerable

1. The most important thing to remember is that regular grooming will reduce the number of allergens in the air that come from pet dander.

2. Washing your dog at least once a week will also help reduce pet dander in your home. 

3. Make sure that your dog has its own bed and is trained not to sleep on human beds or on the furniture. 

4. It is also a good idea to bar your dog from entering your bedroom. Keeping a space that is free of dander and pet hair will help your immune system recover.

5. Install a HEPA filter in your home to further reduce the amount of dander in the air. 

6. Keeping the carpet and other surfaces clean by vacuuming often will help lower the concentration of dander in your home.

7. Always sanitize your hands and change your clothing once you are done playing with your pet. This will help lower your chance of having an allergic reaction to dander on your body.

8. Take care of your pet’s fur by providing a diet that is rich in Omega-3 fish oils. This will reduce dander by improving the health of their coat.

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