Why Do Boxer Dogs Fart?

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October 16, 2022 / Dog Health / By: Melanie Evans

Why Do Boxer Dogs Fart

There is a lot of misinformation out there about boxer dogs, and a number of long held myths too (like the one that claims boxer dogs are particularly aggressive, which is far from true). One common observation about boxer dogs that some pet parents of these majestic - and very smart and loving dogs - find true is that they can be quite flatulent. 

Or, in simpler terms, they can fart a lot. But why do boxers fart? Is it normal? Can a flatulence problem be lessened?

Occasional flatulence in boxers is normal, it's normal in almost every pup (and their humans, we should add.) Excessive farting - which can be unpleasant to be around if mostly harmless - can be caused by a number of things, but in boxers the culprit is often one of several things: they are eating too fast, they are being fed dog food that does not agree with their sometimes sensitive digestive systems, or they have an underlying health issue.

Here we are going to take a closer look at these reasons why boxers fart and what you might be able to do to lower the stink level.

Excessive Boxer Dog Gas and Flatulence Causes

As is the case for many dog breeds, the food you give to your boxer dog can significantly contribute both to his flatulence problem and cause general digestive upset, something that's not pleasant for anyone, especially your pup. Here are some of the foods that often lead to more boxer farts:

Excessive Starch

Starch is often the most common ingredient in processed grocery store type dog foods, because it has a long shelf life, is easy to obtain, and is a low-cost ingredient.

Starch is not hazardous for dogs in small amounts; it is an energy source; however, too much can induce gas. Nutritionally it is often little more than a filler, and in some commercial dog foods it can make up between 45 to 75 percent of the ingredients


Corn isn't easy to digest, especially for pups prone to sensitive stomach issues, and this difficult digestion process can lead to lots of boxer farts and even stomach pain if the dog is particularly sensitive.

Again, many of the cheaper commercial dog foods make use of corn as a filler in higher levels than you might expect.

Whole Milk and Cheese

Not all dairy products will lead to increased boxer farts (more on that in a moment) but for most boxers - indeed, for most dogs - whole milk and cheese can quickly turn them into a farting machine.


Itโ€™s often suggested that if you want to give your pup a little extra veggie goodness that a little cooked broccoli is a good choice.

It is a veggie that's a great source of all kinds of vitamins and minerals - as well as folic acid and calcium - but it is also a high fiber vegetable and may lead to lots of boxer farts when fed to them often or in large amounts.

Human Food Table Scraps

Feeding your pup a lot of table scraps is bad for them for lots of reasons, with one being that the higher levels of fats and oils that are probably in your food can quickly lead to stomach upsets and excessive flatulence.

How Much Farting In Boxers is Healthy?

As we mentioned earlier, every dog farts, and, contrary to popular myth boxers, when fed a good diet and exercised regularly - should not really have more of a 'fart problem' than other breeds their size.

If you notice that your pup 'lets loose' more than 5-10 times a day, or the farts smell particularly unpleasant, you should take her for a vet check, to ensure that her farting is not a sign of a more serious underlying GI or digestive issue.

How To Prevent Excessive Gas in Boxer Dogs

While most farts are harmless - except to the nose of anyone in the vicinity - often by making some simple changes to your boxer's diet and everyday routine you can reduce their gas and help prevent stomach upsets in general.

Here are some of the most effective things to try.

1. Feed a High Quality Dog Food

The food you feed your pup for his main meals matters for lots of reasons, including the fact that offering him a higher quality, limited ingredient food will help regulate his digestive system and reduce flatulence.

Get into the habit of reading ingredient labels and consider making a switch to one of the fresh dog food alternatives available right now like Ollie, which does not contain all those fart inducing fillers.

2. Try Yogurt and Pineapple

If, even after a change in food, your boxer still seems to fart a lot, adding plain, full fat yogurt and/or fresh pineapple chunks to their treat menu can be very helpful. These should only be occasional treats, though.

Although pineapple contains bromelain, which is excellent for regulating digestion, it is also quite calorific (and many boxers are prone to weight gain if you don't watch their diet.)

You should also never try to cut calories by feeding your pup a 'lite' yogurt, as the artificial sweeteners they contain can be toxic for them.

3. Help Your Boxer Eat Slower

Excess gas can be produced when a dog eats too quickly; however, because this can also result in bloat, a serious and occasionally fatal illness, it is critical to make modifications if your boxer eats very quickly, which many do.

Some things you can try to help your boxer learn to eat slower include making use of a puzzle bowl, offering smaller, more frequent meals and feeding him away from other pets, as the often competitive boxer may gulp his food down too fast fearing that the other fur kids are going to steal it away from him.

4. Don't Walk Your Boxer Right After He Eats

In humans, adding gentle exercise after meals can help reduce gas by moving food through the digestive tract and stimulating the passage of gas.

For dogs, this is not a good idea. Exercise immediately after a meal can cause bloat in dogs that are prone to it, such as some Boxers. Allow an hour after a meal to pass before walking your boxer pup.

If your Boxer has a lot of gas and better treats, better food, and slower eating aren't helping (and all other health issues have been ruled out), talk to your vet about utilizing a safe and nutritious supplement to try to remedy the problem. Prozyme's enzyme supplement is a great option.

It comes in powder form, making it simple to sprinkle over food. It is made of plants and does not enter the bloodstream (thus it does not interact with any medications a dog may be on).

One of the standout benefits of this gas supplement is that it may also aid with coat concerns (dull coat and/or excessive shedding).


Melanie Evans

Melanie Evans is a professional freelance writer based in Scranton, PA, who, enjoys sharing her lifelong knowledge about dogs. When not working, Melanie enjoys playing a wide variety of sports, traveling and hanging out with her energetic boxer dog Bruce.

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